Sunday 12 June 2011

Project 1 - Self critique

For my legoman model, I feel that I lose out on the appearance, as I do not know how to do texturing. Despite trying several times, I just could not seem to get it right. Hence, I settled for applying colors to my model. Hence, my model does not look as realistic as the real thing.

However, in terms of proportion, my model looks fairly proportional. There is one obvious difference and flaw when comparing my model to the actual toy, which is its arms. I had alot of difficulty modeling the arms. I tried various methods, in the end settling for the method in the Olive document, which was to extrude from a cylinder. However, the outcome did not really look like the actual toy.

If I were to grade my model upon 10, I give myself a 7, as it looks rather like the real thing, except for the shoulders and the texturing.

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